In 1971 J. Standard Baker Quoted " Drivers Towing Trailers Are Four (4) Times As Unsafe As Those In Cars Alone!
Trailer stolen from Galt with $800,000 worth of Disneyland tickets inside21 Shares[KCRA]
Updated: 11:25 PM PDT Apr 18, 2018
By Brandi Cummings
ow Transcript
GALT, Calif. (KCRA) —
The California Highway Patrol is investigating the theft of a trailer stolen from the California Future Farmers of America parking lot.
Surveillance video shows someone drive a pick-up truck into the parking lot on West Stockton Boulevard and take the trailer. According to a news release, it happened at around 3:10 a.m. Wednesday.
“Obviously, they knew what they were doing because it was far away from the camera as humanly possible,” said Matt Patton, FFA executive director and center manager.
He said the thief broke through a gate, then spent about five minutes breaking the lock on a white cargo trailer before driving away in the darkness.
“When they pulled in, the headlights were on -- which reflected off the camera making it impossible to see the license plate,” Patton said. “When they left, they were hooked to the trailer so you couldn’t see the license plate that way either.”
Inside the trailer was more than $832,000 worth of materials, audio visual equipment and awards -- including 8,000 Disneyland tickets for the 90th annual FFA Leadership conference in Anaheim that begins Sunday.
“I don’t think the individual had any idea what was in the vehicle,” Patton said.
According to Patton, the tickets have been cancelled and new ones will be printed.
“Financially, we’re not out any money for that,” he said. “It’s just more of an inconvenience.”
While CHP looks for the trailer, there’s even more material that has to get to Anaheim in another trailer. The plan is to load all of the additional material Thursday morning and take off immediately after.
“Regardless of this setback, we are going to have a great program for the students,” Patton said.[KCRA-TV]
Courtesy of FFA
CHP wants citizens to be on the lookout for a white Wells Cargo, double-axle enclosed trailer with license plate 4KJ1127.
If you have any information on the theft, contact the CHP South Sacramento Area Office at 916-681-2300 during business hours or contact the CHP Communication Center at 916-861-1300.
California Ag Ed and FFA Contacts
Home » Explore - Agricultural Education » Who We Are » California Ag Ed and FFA Contacts
California Department of Education
State Ag Education Staff
Dr. Lloyd McCabe
State Supervisor and FFA Advisor
916/ 319-0673
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Assistant State FFA Advisor
916/ 319-0486
Ms. Jill Sperling
Central Region Supervisor/ FFA Advisor
916/ 319-0494
Mr. Hugh Mooney
North Coast Region Supervisor/ FFA Advisor
916/ 319-0488
Mr. Charles Parker
San Joaquin Region Supervisor/ FFA Advisor
559/ 278-5777
Mr. Greg Beard
South Coast Region Supervisor/ FFA Advisor
805/ 756-2402
Mr. Jack Havens
Southern Region Supervisor/ FFA Advisor
909/ 869-4496
Superior Region Supervisor/ FFA Advisor
530/ 342-7541
California FFA Association, Foundation & Alumni
Mr. Matt Patton
Executive Director and FFA Center Manager
209/ 744-1605
Finance & Membership
Ms. Maria Maberto
Financial Services Director
209/ 744-1600
Ms. Jennifer Stockton
Membership Services Coordinator
209/ 744-1600
Ms. Trisha Chapman
Office Assistant
209/ 744-1600
Ms. Katie Otto
Development Director
209/ 744-1969
Leadership & Education
Ms. Hannah Garrett
Leadership Development Coordinator
209/ 843-3671
Ms. Jennifer Patton
FFA News Editor
916/ 715-0768
Leadership Intern
Ms. Joelle Lewis
Social Media Intern
805/ 540-0937
Association Officers
209/ 744-1900
Luke O'Leary
State President (San Luis Obispo HS)
Jasmine Flores
State Vice President (Atwater HS)
Genevieve Regli
State Secretary (Fernadle HS)
Armando Nevarez
State Treasurer (Holtville HS)
Hunter Andrade
State Reporter (Tracy HS)
Bobby Marchy
State Sentinel (Turlock HS)
Alumni Officers
Mr. Travis Cardoso
State President (Turlock, CA)
Ms. Ellie Landers
State Vice President (Davis, CA)
Ms. Colleen Lawson
State Secretary (W. Sacramento, CA)
Ms. Jessica Forster
State Treasurer (Elk Grove, CA)
Leadership Boards
Ms. Kristi Mattes
Chair, Association Board of Directors
Luke O'Leary
President, Association Executive Committee
Ms. Rosemary Cummings
Chair, Association Advisory Committee
Mr. Dennis Albiani
Chair, Foundation Board of Directors
California Agricultural Teachers' Association
Mr. Matt Patton
Executive Director
209/ 744-1605
Ms. Kerry Stockton
Executive Assistant
209/ 744-1614
Ag Teachers Assn. Officers
Mr. Ralph Mendes
State President (Kern HS District)
Mr. Dave Gossman
State President-Elect (Atwater HS)
Ms. Robin Grundmeyer
State Secretary (Norco HS)
Mr. Clay Freeman
State Treasurer (Bakersfield - Foothill HS)
Mr. Mike Albiani
State Past-President (Elk Grove HS)
California University Teacher Education
Cal Poly - Pomona
Dr. Kim Miller Professor, FFA Liaison 909/ 869-2206
Cal Poly - SLO
Dr. Robert Flores Professor, FFA Liaison 805/ 756-2169
Dr. Ann De Lay Professor 805/ 756-7272
Dr. Ben Swan Professor
805/ 756-2401
Dr. Scott Vernon Professor
805/ 756-2707
CSU - Chico
Dr. Brad Dodson Professor, FFA Liaison 530/ 898-6170
Dr. Mollie Aschenbrener Professor 530/ 898-4568
Dr. Mike Spiess Associate Dean 530/ 898-4554
CSU - Fresno
Dr. Rosco Vaughn
Professor, FFA Liaison
559/ 278-5067
Dr. Art Parham Professor 559/ 278-4332
Dr. Steve Rocca Professor 559/ 278-5088
UC - Davis
Dr. Lynn Martindale
Professor, FFA Liaison 530/ 754-6655
Dr. Cary Trexler Professor 530/ 752-2623
Teach Ag Ed Campaign
Ms. Bonnie Baxter Ag Ed Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
By Program
Advanced Leadership Academy
- Housing
- Registration Ms. Hannah Garrett
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Ms. Jennifer Stockton 209/ 843-3671
916/ 319-0486
209/ 744-1600
Alumni and Booster Programs Mr. Hugh Mooney 916/ 319-0488
Award Programs
- Agriscience Fair
- Degrees (State)
- Hall of Chapters
- Honorary State Degree and Distinguished Service
- National and Superior Chapter Awards
- Proficiency Awards
- STAR Awards
Ms. Jill Sperling
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Jack Havens
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
916/ 319-0494
916/ 319-0486
916/ 319-0486
916/ 319-0486
916/ 319-0486
909/ 869-4496
916/ 319-0486
California Agricultural Teachers' Association
- Summer Conference Mr. Matt Patton
Ms. Kerry Stockton
209/ 744-1605
209/ 744-1614
Career Development Events - Field Days & State Finals
- Arbuckle - Pierce High School
- Cal Poly, Pomona
- Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo (CDE State Finals)
- CSU, Chico
- CSU, Fresno
- Firebaugh High School
- Lassen College
- Le Grand High School
- Merced College
- Mira Costa College
- Modesto Junior College
- O'Neals - Minarets High School
- Reedley College
- San Diego Section
- Shasta College
- UC, Davis
- West Hills College Dr. Lloyd McCabe
Ms. Cindy Rohde
Dr. Kim Miller
Mr. Greg Beard
Dr. Brad Dodson
Dr. Steve Rocca
Ms. Erica Correia
Ms. Alison Somerville
Mr. Darol Fishman
Mr. Jim Andersen
Ms. Carolyn Kinnon
Mr. Don Borges
Ms. Kristi Mattes
- - -
Fallbrook HS
- - -
Ms. Jamie Dehn
Mr. Tim Ellsworth 916/ 319-0673
530/ 476-2277
909/ 869-2206
805/ 756-2402
530/ 898-6170
559/ 278-5197
559/ 659-1415
530/ 251-8847
209/ 384-6253
209/ 384-6250
760/ 757-2121
209/ 575-6200
559/ 868-8689
559/ 638-0310
- - -
- - -
530/ 754-0322
559/ 997-5339
Communications and Public Relations
- Agricultural Literacy & Awareness
- FFA Archives
- FFA News
- Social Media
- Website Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Ms. Jill Sperling
Mr. Charles Parker
Ms. Jennifer Patton
Ms. Joelle Lewis
Mr. Josiah Mayfield 916/ 319-0486
916/ 319-0494
559/ 278-5777
916/ 715-0768
805/ 540-0937
916/ 319-0486
Executive Leadership Boards
- Adult Board of Directors (Fiscal)
- Adult Advisory Board
- Association Executive Board (Programming)
- Foundation Board of Directors
Mr. Matt Patton
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Matt Patton
209/ 744-1605
916/ 319-0486
916/ 319-0486
209/ 744-1605
FFA Center
- Facilities Requests Mr. Matt Patton
Ms. Jennifer Stockton 209/ 744-1605
209/ 744-1600
Financial Services
- Chapter Accounts
- Chapter Invoicing
- Livestock Insurance Ms. Maria Maberto
209/ 744-1600
Foundation Ms. Katie Otto 209/ 744-1969
Greenhand Leadership Conference
- Registration Ms. Hannah Garrett
Ms. Maria Maberto 209/ 843-3671
209/ 744-1600
Leadership Development Events - State Finals
- Creed Speaking
- Extemporaneous Speaking
- Impromptu Speaking
- Job Interview
- Parliamentary Procedure
- Prepared Public Speaking Dr. Lloyd McCabe
Mr. Greg Beard
Mr. Jack Havens
Ms. Jill Sperling
Mr. Hugh Mooney
Mr. Charles Parker 916/ 319-0673
805/ 756-2402
909/ 869-4496
916/ 319-0494
916/ 319-0488
559/ 278-5777
Made for Excellence
- Housing
- Registration Ms. Hannah Garrett
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Ms. Jennifer Stockton 209/ 843-3671
916/ 319-0486
209/ 744-1600
Membership Services
- Chapter Rosters
- Chapter Leadership Packets Ms. Jennifer Stockton
209/ 744-1600
National FFA Convention - Statewide Trip
- Registration
- State Delegation Ms. Jill Sperling
Ms. Trisha Chapman
Mr. Josiah Mayfield 916/ 319-0494
209/ 744-1600
916/ 319-0486
Press and Media Inquiries Mr. Matt Patton
209/ 744-1605
Regional Officer Leadership Conference Mr. Josiah Mayfield 916/ 319-0486
Sacramento Leadership Experience
- Applications Ms. Hannah Garrett
Mr. Josiah Mayfield 209/ 843-3671
916/ 319-0486
Scholarship and Grant Programs
- State FFA Conference and Convention Scholarships
- State FFA Acadmic Scholarship Programs
- National FFA Grant Programs
- National FFA Scholarship Programs
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
National FFA
National FFA
916/ 319-0486
916/ 319-0486
317/ 802-4267
317/ 802-4419
State FFA Leadership Conference (State Convention)
- Career Show
- Courtesy Corps
- Delegate Operations
- Foundation Activities
- Housing
- Parking
- Registration
- Store
- Workshops Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Ms. Katie Otto
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Ms. Hannah Garrett
Ms. Katie Otto
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
- - -
Ms. Jennifer Stockton
Ms. Kerry Stockton
Mr. Josiah Mayfield 916/ 319-0486
209/ 744-1969
916/ 319-0486
209/ 843-3671
209/ 744-1969
916/ 319-0486
- - -
209/ 744-1600
209/ 744-1614
916/ 319-0486
State Officers Mr. Josiah Mayfield 916/ 319-0486
Statewide Events
- Ag Day at the Capitol
- Chapter Visits
- National FFA Week Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Matt Patton
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
Mr. Josiah Mayfield
916/ 319-0486
209/ 744-1605
916/ 319-0486
916/ 319-0486
Another Trailer Stolen From Another Organization That Up Until Now Was Clueless On Trailer Thefts...
Over 800,000 under 5 minutes 12 States have no registrations for these trailers!!!!