In 1971 J. Standard Baker Quoted " Drivers Towing Trailers  Are Four (4) Times As Unsafe As Those In Cars Alone! 

Runaway trailer hits water main

By Editor | July 17, 2018 | 0

By William Holloman

Staff Writer

A hit-and-run type incident on Breazeale Avenue involving a runaway trailer caused property damage, but miraculously, no one was hurt.

Officers said the incident happened in the 900 block of North Breazeale Ave. Only one witness was located: Sean Simpson, an employee at a business located in the Carolina Crossroads complex. According to the witness, a woman was traveling north on Breazeale Ave. and saw an SUV headed south on the same street. She told police the SUV was pulling a trailer which detached and sped down the street some 200 feet, crossing multiple traffic lanes and onto the Carolina Crossings property.

Police said a town water main and shrubbery in the strip mall property was damaged. The driver of the vehicle left the scene, and the matter is still under investigation.

Damage was estimated at about $250, and town officials said a small amount of water was lost before the water main was shut off.

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Another loose trailer comes loose and no safety chains, no hitch pin, maybe wrong size ball....wrong size hitch....and nobody seems to care......why? 

The trailer is most likely stolen and it did not have a tag so nobody knows "The Assault Weapon Trailer's Owner" 

More people have been killed by these "Assault Weapon Trailers In 2018 than AK47"